Data protection conditions

Avalon’s privacy policy

For AvalonEstates OÜ, the trust of our clients and partners is all-important. We want everyone who shares personal information with us to be confident that we take the best possible care of it. This privacy policy was drafted with the aim of protecting the privacy of past, present and future clients of AvalonEstates OÜ. In it, we set out the principles on the basis of which we collect, use, store, transfer and disclose the personal data of our clients in accordance with Estonian law and EU legislation.

Collection and use of personal data

We consider any data which is voluntarily provided to us by individuals to be personal data. That includes your name, phone number, e-mail, address and other information. We only use personal data for the purposes for which it is intended: to provide clients with the latest market information; to showcase new developments; to answer questions; and to share information regarding offers, client days and other activities of AvalonEstates OÜ. We do not distribute, forward, modify or use the personal data entrusted to us in any other way unless there is an agreement with the client or the need to disclose the information arises from Estonian law. If you receive any of the above information from us without knowingly having provided us with your data, please let us know by e-mailing You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by e-mailing us at


AvalonEstates OÜ uses cookies on its website to analyse your browsing history. We use this information to improve your user experience and better meet your needs. We also use cookies for the purpose of statistical analysis and to show you ads through carefully selected third-party apps such as Google, Adroll, Facebook and Mailchimp. Please note that we have no access to or control over cookies used by third parties, whose implementation is subject to their own privacy policies. A cookie is a text file sent to and stored on the user’s device by the websites they visit. It is stored in the file directory of the user’s browser. If the user has visited a website before, the browser reads the cookie and forwards the corresponding information to the website or element which initially stored the cookie. More information about cookies can be found online at Users have the right to refuse the use of cookies. If you wish to do so, you will need to change your browser settings.

Conditions of and amendments to privacy policy

By sending us your information and continuing to use our website, you are deemed to have reviewed and consented to our principles and conditions. AvalonEstates OÜ reserves the right to amend the general conditions of its privacy policy where necessary. Any questions regarding our privacy policy should be e-mailed to us at
+372 5222 824
Maakri 30, Tallinn
Tartu mnt 44 residential and commercial building Tartu maantee 44, Tallinn
We use cookies to personalize our website content and to analyze our website use.